She looks like an old white maggot with three eyes like a monster that she is ,she looks 18 but she is 67 because she has retinal everyday,she wears slip on shoes everyday to school and an old ugly outfit but we don’t know why she does, she has 2 teeth only like a hillbilly now back to school


It all started when she was born. Her mom loved ugly names.So that is why her name is you know what. She’s always treated awful. She wanted to run away so she could be herself. She did that in 1970 a long time ago apparently she was mean.

Mrs Ka’ran Fu’ray if you get it wrong she spanks you!  Sometimes she is a gym teacher.She is known for guns and pony tails she rips pony tails of of little girls and gives them to her 10 dogs anyways at school when she’s at school when she’s a gym teacher she makes you run 15 miles if you talk without water.Anyways let’s get to the basics she hates people eating even know her office looks like a huge rubbish bin so gross and she also makes students clean it up oh my gosh 

PS:Not finished    

Life in a Caravan

Today I made a story about me and a Caravan and I learned how to embed .we had to put as str words because that was are spelling pattern that’s why there’s yellow highlighted words.Embedding is when you can put you docs without having to just past it the hardest bit about it was writing and the bit that was the most fun was pasting anll the codes in overall it was fun.


My Superhero

I created a superhero. I made it by making a slide and then going on to an AI app.

I put my superhero discretion in like what colour her hair was. When we got a drawing I had to screenshot it.

What I found tricky was  trying to get the photo i was looking for.

LunaPic Collage

Today I created a lunapic collage. To do this I had to find a pitcher and move it in to the middle of the screen. What I found fun finding the different affects for my pitcher.What I found hard is finding pitcher because I diffident know what to do.Next time I do this I will work on my timing and my writing.

Dive deep into 5 different layers!

We have been learning about under the sea reading.

We learned this so that we know more about under the sea animals and so that we get better at reading. I created window art with a submarine that can go down 5 layers               

each layer has a different colour to show how deep it gets This shows all the animals that live in the ocean and the different layers I enjoyed colouring in all the different sea animals and the submarine.

I found it challenging to get to each layer. My next step is to do it faster and try to get my submarine to the darkest zone.If I did this activity again I would do different sea animals so I can learn more about them

I found it challenging to get to each layers My next step is to do it faster and try to get my submarine to the darkest zone.If I did this activity again I would do different sea animals so I can learn more

Have you ever done this?


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